Sunday, November 6, 2016

English capital, small and cursive letters

English language has 3 versions for alphabets

  1. Capital
  2. Small
  3. Cursive
The “capital” and the “small” versions are also called the print version. These are widely used. Most books and educational materials use print version.

The “cursive” is also knows as written version. Cursive writing is a more natural way of writing. The pencil flows along the paper without frequent stops within words. Also people says that Cursive is a better exercise for strengthening fine motor skills. The connecting letters help the child to produce smooth, rather than choppy, strokes with the pencil.

In terms of writing, it’s true that a cursive “b” and “d” look less like each other than their printed versions. However, current research into dyslexia and other learning disabilities show that there’s far more happening in the brain than a simple flip-flip. Children who struggle with reading and writing are experiencing a disconnect between the part of the brain that “sees” letters and the part of the brain that “identifies” letters.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

What it would be to teach without worksheets!

There is no denying the fact that visual recognition memory is superior to auditory recognition memory, especially when we are teaching small children. Images process faster and they are retained for longer duration in the mind. If a teacher wants to develop a certain skill set in the children or wants to supplement what she has taught in the class, a worksheet is a perfect teaching aid. Especially one can't imagine teaching mathematics without worksheets. 

A basic primary math curriculum includes learning to know basic numbers, sorting, practice counting, number order, subtraction, addition and multiplication. Majority of children faced trouble in the multiplications part of the syllabus. So in this era of Internet it is very easy to find multiplication worksheets, which were extremely helpful in developing their skills. Parents can use these worksheets to keep their little ones busy in the most productive ways and using multiplication worksheets was the best technique. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Worksheets for Teachers


Teachers often find it hard to make time to create worksheets during their daily teaching routine. They are already burdened with things like maintaining a variety of records, making daily lesson plans and monthly questionnaires. We at, offer online printable worksheets for teachers, which they can use on a daily basis in their classrooms.

 We have a vast database of creative, educational and printable worksheets created by teachers like you. Worksheets of Maths, English and Science are available and adding on weekly basis.  Teachers can download the editable version of the worksheets and use then with ease. We believe that only real teachers can create worksheets for teaching.